About Our School
Our Mission
The mission for the staff at Wiley Elementary is to equip students for success by using appropriate strategies and curriculum that reflect high standards.
Our Vision
The vision of Wiley Elementary is to provide for our student learning in a caring, supportive environment to promote a lifetime of success.
Our History
Wiley Elementary first opened its doors to students in the fall of 1999. We have over 530 students in kindergarten through fifth grades. There are more than 32 certificated and 18 classified staff. The school was named after Dr. William Wiley.
Dr. Wiley first started as a scientist at Battelle's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). He then served as Director of Research from 1979-1984 and Laboratory Director from 1984 until 1994, when he became Battelle's Senior Vice President for Science and Technology Policy. Dr. Wiley introduced the initiative for the creation of the Environmental Molecular Science Laboratory. As a result of Dr. Wiley's connections with Battelle's PNNL, Wiley Elementary has developed a dynamic partnership with the lab. They were instrumental in helping us develop a Time Capsule to culminate our first year. Each grade level gathered memorable items to be placed in the capsule and brought them to an end-of-the-year ceremony. The capsule was opened in 2023. They have contributed valuable training, time and money to help us with these endeavors. We are very thankful for this wonderful partnership.
Video of William R Wiley
District and School Report Card Information
Are you interested in knowing how your child's school did on state assessments? Visit the Washington State OSPI Report Card at: https://reportcard.ospi.k12.wa.us.
The Report Card contains valuable information about test results as well as other statistics about our schools. To find results for our district and your child's school, use the webpage drop-down menu to find Richland School District and press GO.